Tiger (Yu Kang) Xu

Johns School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD


I am a PhD student and Kavli NDI Distinguished graduate fellow in the Solomon H. Snyder Department of Neuroscience at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, where I am advised by Dwight Bergles and Jeremias Sulam.

Prior to Johns Hopkins, I obtained my B.Sc. in Physiology at McGill University in Montreal, and completed my honors thesis in the lab of Jack Antel, devising high-throughput drug-screening pipelines to identify therapeutics for multiple sclerosis.

My current research focuses on:

  • Whole-brain mapping of oligodendrocyte patterns (check out some cool videos and data),
  • Uncovering the relationship between brain vasculature and oligodendrocyte progenitor cells,
  • Examining the mechanisms of nodal plasticity in vivo,
  • Building computational pipelines and deep learning algorithms for cell tracing and tracking,

Outside the lab, I am a casual musician and eager supporter of the performing arts, co-founding a production company, Two Gents of New West, that aims to help young aspiring artists by giving a voice to innovative new stories and projects.

contact: yxu130 at jhmi dot edu


  1. 2023
    Xu, Y., Graves, A., Coste, G., Huganir, R., Bergles, D., Charles, A., and Sulam, J.
  2. 2021
    Xu, Y., Call, C., Sulam, J., and Bergles, D.
  3. 2019
    Xu, Y., Chitsaz, D., Brown, R., Cui, Q., Dabarno, M., Antel, J., and Kennedy, T.
  4. 2021
    Chanoumidou, K., Hernández-Rodríguez, B., Windener, F., Thomas, C., Stehling, M., Mozafari, S., Albrecht, S., Ottoboni, L., Antel, J., Kim, K., Velychko, S., Cui, Q.,  Xu, Y., Martino, G., Winkler, J., Schöler, H., Baron-Van Evercooren, A., Boespflug-Tanguy, O., Vaquerizas, J., Ehrlich, M., and Kuhlmann, T.
  5. 2020
    Starost, L., Lindner, M., Herold, M.,  Xu, Y., Drexler, H., Heß, K., Ehrlich, M., Ottoboni, L., Ruffini, F., Stehling, M., Röpke, A., Thomas, C., Schöler, H., Antel, J., Winkler, J., Martino, G., Klotz, L., and Kuhlmann, T.
  6. 2020
    Cui, Q., Lin, Y.,  Xu, Y., Fernandes, M., Rao, V., Kennedy, T., and Antel, J.
  7. 2020
    Mozafari, S., Starost, L., Manot-Saillet, B., Garcia-Diaz, B.,  Xu, Y., Roussel, D., Levy, M., Ottoboni, L., Kim, K., Schöler, H., Kennedy, T., Antel, J., Martino, G., Angulo, M., Kuhlmann, T., and Baron-Van Evercooren, A.
  8. 2019
    Kremer, D., Gruchot, J., Weyers, V., Oldemeier, L., Göttle, P., Healy, L., Ho Jang, J., Kang T. Xu, Y., Volsko, C., Dutta, R., Trapp, B., Perron, H., Hartung, H., and Küry, P.